Deep Sea Fishing Vilamoura Portugal - Any recommendations?

Fri May 28, 2010 8:47 pm

Hi Folks,
Going over to Vilamoura for a few days and was hoping to get out boat fishing a few days.
I have googled already and come up with 2 main companies working out of the marina.
Can anyone recommend something here?

Don't mind trolling for Dorado/Tuna if there is a good chance of success. Same for shark fishing or even reef fishing.
I really just don't want to waste a day catching little fish, but plenty of them as so many of these holiday charter companies seem to specialise in.

Thanks in advance

Re: Deep Sea Fishing Vilamoura Portugal - Any recommendations?

Sun May 30, 2010 9:56 pm

Can't help much - when i was there in the mid-90s it was the only 2 weeks of the year they'd hung up their boats for overhauling. :roll:

Interestingly, it was also 2 companies. Very possibly the same 2 as now. Looking for a day out, I chatted to both crews. Both were apologetic they couldn't accomodate us, but both warned us about how bad the other boat was.

No love lost there, I reckon. :lol: