Weekend round up 23/5/2010

Tue May 25, 2010 3:27 am

Well after the success on the Thursday evening and with the weather looking like it would be ideal for a fish on the falling tide a few of us decided to head down and see what we could pull out.

Checking the beaches on the surf cam indicated that there was a reasonable weed build up on 13th and therefore we decided to take the option of fishing further down the coast at Fairhaven.

Mick and I arrived first as Graham got caught up with work and Lee was lumbered with domestic duties after his wife was called into work. The beach formation was not the best with the main gutter having filled in with sand and there was only a smallish rip opening out to see further down the beach compared to what we have had previously had in our earlier tries.
The decision was made to still give it a go but I decided to belt the baits out wide past the breakers, Graham and Mick would fish the rip side of the gutter in the hope of getting any bigger fish entering and chasing the baitfish.


(A blurry Mick and Graham)

Using a simple pulley rig and 2/0 circle hooks baited with Mario’s whitebait had the first Salmon hitting the deck from the very first cast, second bait was also taken almost immediately which then made it difficult to set the second rod out with a larger bait in the hope of picking up a Gummy or School shark as we had hoped.


(Some of the salmon taken during the night)

The tide was falling fast or gave that impression due to the shallower nature of the beach and within the space of an hour & a half we had 50 yards of sand in front of us where previously there was a nice wash.
Still putting the baits out the back produced salmon to 1 ½ pounds which on the TT Lite gave us a bit of fun.
After taking a few salmon I decided that putting out a larger tougher bait in the form of half a Salmon head also on a Pulley rig but armed with 8/0 bottom circle and a 4/0 upper one for holding the bait, the bigger bait would stop the pickers and give us the better chance of getting into the fish we were after.


(Salmon Head set on Two Hook pulley rig)

Sorry to say all we got were our flat friends in the grey coats. Still better than sitting at home watching the box. It was pleasing to see how the TT Match and Ultima Powersteel 18 pound line was able to handle the big bull skate and at no time did I feel that I needed to have heavier line.


(Yet another Skate to add to the growing tally from each trip)

The weather proved to be very good with it being surprisingly warm for autumn nights were cold conditions is the norm.

With the next high tide being early in the morning and the prospect of going to work without sleep Mick and I pulled the pin around 10.30 pm leaving Graham to try and get something prior to the change.

Saturday was put aside with work and sorting out the gear from the night previous as well as getting ready for a practice session on the Sunday afternoon down at South Barwon reserve. Conditions were excellent for a day of practice with the sun out and there being a slight east / north easterly. We had hoped to fish the evening but with the winds settling in easterly only Allan and ….. Would head down and try for some more salmon from Jan Juc.

Casting for the first time in a long while was young Zak who I last taught when he was 14 and a tall skinny lad he was , still able to hit the magic 200 meter mark back then he has changed into a VERY big boy standing taller than both Lee and I and


(Zak putting one away with my TTR)

Zak was showing that even after such a long break the basic training had become ingrained and whilst he wasn’t casting he has been active in chasing BIG sharks from the shore.


(Lee and Little???? Zak)

Also casting with us was young Nina who hadn’t used a rod and reel before but was quickly picking up the basics and hitting the lead away with my TTLD and 6500CT combination.


(Nina showing her style casting for the very first time)

Hopefully we will start to see more ladies and juniors attending, both to improve the casting and fishing skills.


(Nina Rugged up as the sun started to set and the cold evening air made itself evident)

All in all we had a great day with a very relaxed atmosphere, good weather and good company – what more could you ask for.

Roll on next weekend. :D :D