Ozzie Beach Break

Sat Apr 03, 2010 11:51 am

With the Easter break and the fact that work had been quite hectic a few of us decided that a break on Thursday evening on the beach was in order.

Two things were highlighted during the evening, one being the reading of the beach and the other was presenting the bait in the right area more on that later.

We had initially intended to fish 13th beach on the west of the bay but wind, weed, and the state of the tides saw Lee and I scouting some of the other options. We had a look at Point Lonsdale beach but with fading light and a lot of exposed reef we decided that was not the best option. At this time Graham who had to travel separately due to work rang on the mobile and advised that he was at 13th as we had originally intended. After a brief council of war between us we decided to give Fairhaven beach a chance as Lee thought that it would be an option that only required a short drive further down the coast.
It should be noted at this stage that it was well and truly dark and it was only due to the excellent moon light and the nature of the beach that a spot was chosen, thankfully for me with a very short walk.


( Yours Truly doing it hard after work )

The feature that was highest on the priority list was a gutter that exited to clear water behind the breakers thereby allowing clean access for our intended target the highly prized Gummy. Lee with his trained eye and knowledge of the beaches positioned himself close to the entrance/exit of the whole and as can be seen reaped the just rewards.


( Lee with our intended target)

Graham was next along the gutter and I took the end with the intent of putting the baits out wide behind the break. I kicked off the night with a small Port Jackson and soon followed with a Banjo Shark but as the tide made the turbulence built up and my luck ran out.

( Banjo which was the highlight for my efforts )

Graham and Lee were to be in the thick of the action bit it didn’t go the way we planned with the Toothy type sharks moving in on the hole resulting in a number of bite off, and an amusing session with one shark picking up Lees sinker and giving that a good chew, much to his discust as it was one of only a few grip leads that he had .

Lee and Graham did get other fish in the form of Skates and a lone Salmon for Graham, who is starting to out more runs on the board with his fishing.

( Graham’s sole Salmon which was converted to bait in the hope of getting something bigger )


(One of Lee’s Skates)


( Skate taken on TTLD & Ultima Line )

After the turn of the tide the fishing shut down but it had fired up both Lee and I , and we decided to hit the same spot the following evening . Armed with reasonable bats and expectations high due to the earlier success we went back down to the beach. What greeted us didn’t put a smile on our faces. The whole area and closed out and the waves were standing up and turning up the sand. End result was not even one bite for the following hours. Just highlights the need to get the beach formation right otherwise the expected fish just don’t result.


( Yet another Skate for Lee and the TTLD )
All in all it was a top evening on the Thursday and a lesson on the Friday evening. Lets hope that Sunday evening produces better ???


Re: Ozzie Beach Break

Sat Apr 03, 2010 12:08 pm

once again, brilliant session and brilliant report! Jealous as usual!

Re: Ozzie Beach Break

Sat Apr 03, 2010 12:13 pm

Chris ,

You could always try and visit as I would be happy to take you for a fish :mrgreen:

Re: Ozzie Beach Break

Sat Apr 03, 2010 12:39 pm

my god :mrgreen: those skate are fab! :D and not even your target species,can i come?? :D :D

Re: Ozzie Beach Break

Sat Apr 03, 2010 2:23 pm

nice skate wouldnt mind getting one from the shore :D

Re: Ozzie Beach Break

Sat Apr 03, 2010 2:32 pm

good god, our country is a joke :shock:

Re: Ozzie Beach Break

Sat Apr 03, 2010 5:19 pm

fantastic pics and report jps as usual. what id do to be there right now!!! eric is right this country is in a really big mess its frightening.

Re: Ozzie Beach Break

Mon Apr 05, 2010 12:41 pm

Your lucky to have such good angling. Better than setting here hoping to catch some thing bigger than 20cm :roll:

Re: Ozzie Beach Break

Mon Apr 05, 2010 6:37 pm

JPS wrote:Chris ,

You could always try and visit as I would be happy to take you for a fish :mrgreen:

Hoping to visit australia some time in the next few years, if i do you will be getting a pm! :D

Re: Ozzie Beach Break

Mon Apr 05, 2010 6:48 pm

fantastic report and results :shock: thats real fishing 8)
do you fancy doing a house swap for about a year :lol: :lol:

Re: Ozzie Beach Break

Mon Apr 05, 2010 6:56 pm

Well done boys you realy are spoilt out there in OZ 8) I was in Australia amoghst other places for my honeymoon 2 and a half years ago and went fishing for a half day in Cairns, got a few nice travelley, great craic on light gear. would have loved to get out more while i was there (5 days) but id have been divorced before the honeymoon ended :wink:

Re: Ozzie Beach Break

Tue Apr 06, 2010 8:28 am

You need to train the good lady from the get go, I went fishing every day on my honeymoon when she was sleeping and then spent the day with her.

Now I have slowed down and can only go fishing 3 to 4 nights a week as I'm getting old :wink: