Bass conservation legislation

Wed Mar 29, 2006 11:25 am

The current bye-laws and ministerial orders regarding bass fishing will be up for renewal soon. I'd be interested in hearing opinions about the effectiveness of the existing legislation assuming hypothetically that everyone abides by the law which I know is unrealistic but might help keep the thread constructive.

What scientific evidence is there for/against the current legislation?

Should the legislation be changed (e.g. reduce/increase bag limit? reduce/increase minimum size? introduce maximum size?)

Is the current closed season (15 May - 15 June) appropriate? Is it too long? Is it too short? Is it appropriate for the whole country? Is it effective?

Would removing the closed season but decreasing the bag limit and changing the minimum size increase fishing tourism and overall awareness and thereby support conservation?

What comparissons are there with legislation in other countries or for other species?

Are there any sources of good information on these issues?

(Apologies in advance for re-opening issues discussed int he past! I think it might be useful to gather the arguments together.)


Wed Mar 29, 2006 1:09 pm

Hopefully this will be an interesting thread.

What scientific evidence is there for/against the current legislation?

size limits
Unsure of actual scientific papers but it seems a general opinion that Bass are a slow growing species taking some 15+ years to hit the 10lb mark. I have read ,and heard it said the the species do not spawn until the 3rd year. This put spawning size at about or just under the legal size limit depending on growth rate. It is possible that if you take a fish at exactly the 40cm size it may not have spawned at all.

Bag Limits
Personally I think the current daily bag limit of 2 per day is fair and honest. I can honestly not think of any scientific evidence why this should be so.

Should the legislation be changed (e.g. reduce/increase bag limit? reduce/increase minimum size? introduce maximum size?)

I honestly don't think that the legislation needs to be changed at the moment. I think it needs to be in-forced totally. Legislation is hard enough to get though the Dail without changing something that in my opinion is adequate. Let's just collectively enforce what legislation we have.

What comparisons are there with legislation in other countries or for other species?

:?: I would be really interested in knowing if Sea Bass are protected in any way anywhere else

I know the Striped Bass has a minimum size limit and a daily bag limit in the US although I am not sure what that is.

Are there any sources of good information on these issues?

I think one thing to point out to our Fisheries boards and TD's is how protection of the Striped Bass in the US has brought the species back from the brink and has also created a HUGE local tourism industry valued at over 100 fold greater that any commercial fishing was in the past. I think the local tourism value is at around the $2 billion mark across the east coast.


Wed Mar 29, 2006 1:57 pm

I've put copies of some docs of interest on the web:

Not had time to read them myself yet :)