Sun Feb 24, 2019 10:43 pm
was only wondering the other day why hake has turned up everywhere - especially as pub grub, fish and chips
very cheap compared to what it was - turns out its South African
good broad sweeping article about where the food actually comes from regardless of what the label says ... 34777.html
Mon Feb 25, 2019 12:13 pm
While you'd see a lot of imported fish in the supermarkets there is a veritable explosion of hake in Irish waters. Amazingly enough the species seems to be doing well off the south west coast. Of course the price has dropped and therefore is more available. Cod on the other hand are goosed I believe that Cork Airport is one of the busiest ports for cod.
I think it is no harm to ask about the source of fish in restaurants and check the labels carefully in the supermarket..
Wed Feb 27, 2019 3:15 pm
Perversely, one of the best places to eat Irish hake is in Spain! They have it at the fish stalls with the Irish flag on it, they don't mind saying that it's not Spanish because they know the quality is so good.
When you eat hake in a tapas bar or restaurant in Spain it always seems nicer than here. I have a feeling it's because the Spanish boats longline so they hake are treated very well , unhooked and packed carefully in the boxes of ice.
Whereas the ones caught by Irish boats are bashed around in a net for ages before being horsed into a box with a shovel of ice on top. Hake is a relatively delicate fish so that's bound to affect the texture
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