Restrictions on large craft within 6 miles of coast

Fri Dec 21, 2018 6:44 pm

Large trawlers to be banned from fishing within six nautical miles of coast
Creed announces restrictions on vessels more than 18m long due to start in 2020
Lorna Siggins
There will be a three-year transition period for vessels over 18m long fishing for sprat.
Minister for the Marine Michael Creed has promised to introduce a ban on trawling by fishing vessels that are more than 18m long within six nautical miles of the coast from 2020.

However, the new ban affords a three-year transition period for vessels over 18m long fishing for sprat, a key species on which mackerel, herring, whales and dolphins feed.

Sprat is a valuable stock for the fishmeal industry and its exploitation has been linked to the virtual collapse of the Celtic Sea herring fishery.


Re: Restrictions on large craft within 6 miles of coast

Sat Dec 22, 2018 1:02 am

“I also believe that these actions will provide wider ecosystem benefits, including for nursery areas and juvenile fish stocks,” he said, citing the benefits of the measure for small scale and island fishing vessels and for sea angling.
Recognition at last?