SAI SAC Last Man Standing 08 sponsored by Veals/Daiwa

Thu Feb 14, 2008 2:00 pm

SAI Last man standing sponsored by Veals and Daiwa

Basic Format
Knockout Shore competition will be based on 32 anglers. In the event of the entry being less than this number a decision will be made on how to proceed with byes (if applicable).

To be in before 28th feb
Open to SAI SAC Members only
Entries will be on a first come first served basis.

Entry fee is 30Euro, payable by paypal (click here)
or by mailing entry fee
(cheques/POs made out to Sea Angling Ireland SAC ) to

John Diamond
211 Temple Court
Dublin 9

Entries must be accompanied by a contact number.

– First Draw (Sat March 1st)
In this meeting there will be a draw to produce the 16 matched pair of anglers. The first drawn angler will select the first venue in conjunction with the drawn opposition angler to arrange their first match. Anglers will be notified of their draw along with a contact number for their opposing angler.

Each drawn pair will fish against each other Twice – once each at each others chosen venue. The first draw fish-off can be anytime to suit them, but both venues must be fished between March 7th – May 31st. Selected venues, dates and times must be agreed by both anglers and this information should be sent to the committee via PM. However, no participating angler should seek to create any unfair advantage for themselves over others, by selecting a venue that could be disadvantageous to the other. Individual anglers’ physical capabilities must be taken into account.
– Results must then be relayed back to the organizers after both matches are completed.
– No venue can be chosen by an angler twice throughout the whole competition.
– Matches can be between 4 and 6 hours, this is up to the two participating anglers. However both matches must be of equal duration.
– It is the anglers responsibility to get to a venue on time, if only one angler is at a venue at the agreed upon time, it is at his discretion whether he starts or not. His fish must be kept in a bucket until the other angler arrives. This rule is in place only where adequate directions are provided by the home angler.

Fish-Off – Second Draw
The 12th June meeting will see a draw for the successful 16 anglers who will be required to fish a further two matches (8 pairs). The matches can start as soon as is practical after the meeting, but both the venues must be completed by 31st August.

Fish-Off – Third Draw
The 5th September meeting will see the draw for the remaining 8 anglers (4pairs). These anglers will need to complete their two matches by the end of October.

The Final
The final 4 anglers will fish-off in a one off 5 hour match to establish the top four placing. The fish-off will take place in end of October or early November. Venue will be decided by the four anglers nominating a venue each and one venue will then be drawn out of a hat.


1. Entry to the knockout competition means an acceptance of the rules and conditions.
2. One rod and three hooks only.
3. No wading above knee height.
4. Both venues must be decided before either competition is held.
5. SAISAC Minimum sizes and points system will apply.
6. Competition winners will be decided by the anglers producing the greatest overall length.
7. All competitors must have a recognized fish measure in centimetres. Fish are to be measured from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail; the length should be ‘rounded down’ to the nearest full centimetre.
8. In the event of a draw a fish count will decide the winners.
9. Each angler should act as a steward to the other, fishing no more than 50 yards apart and should measure, record and add the running total of each others catches. Catch and release is encouraged and competitors may assist each other with landing of fish if necessary.
10. Mackerel,Sandeel, weaver and sea trout will not qualify for measuring.
11. Matches will be 4 hours minimum and 6 hours maximum.
12. In the event of any suspected foul play this must be brought to the attention of the organising committee who will rule. Their decision will be final and binding.
13. Fish-off dates will be strictly adhered to.
14. Please take your litter home with you.
15. Competitors are expected to write a full report in the shore reports section
16. Scorecards to be posted back to Secretary

Whilst these rules 1-16 will apply, specifically to the Last man standing event, SAISAC Angling Competition Rules (see handbook), will also apply. In the event of there being an inconsistency in the rules, the Knockout Rules 1 – 14 will apply. SAIASAC reserve the right to refuse entry to any individual without explanation.

Prizes (based on 22 entries)

1st prize

Daiwa 7HT Mag + Daiwa Supercast Beachcaster of their choice + Daiwa Saltist 20 beach reel+ 250 euro

Daiwa 7HT Mag + Wilderness Travel Beach Rod + 150 euro

Grauvell Teknos 4500X Standard or Due fitting + Grauvell Zuess Z5000 +75 euro

Grauvell Teknos 4500X Standard or Due fitting + 50 euro

Remaining entry fees will be used to buy trophies and a donation made to the RNLI

Many thanks again to Veals and Daiwa
Also a special thanks to Rockhopper
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Thu Feb 14, 2008 9:38 pm

Off ye go!

John Diamond (Cash)
Dennis Brock (Paypal)
Andy Boyce (PayPal -from dbrock)
Albert Allan (Paypal)
Sean Ivory (Cash *)
Jp Molloy (Cash *)
Pete Davis (Paypal)
Keith Murphy(Paypal)
Brian Yeates (paypal)
Derek Yeates (paypal)
Marco DeKleer(cheque)
Kevin McClean(**)
Fergus Kiernan(Cash to Pete)
Lee Meiklejohn (paypal)
Mark Sinnott (PO)
Fintan Kavanagh (Cash)
Eric Gasparro (Cash)
Billy Gaynor (Paypal)
Roger Buggy (Paypal)
Graham Hill (Paypal)
Brian Bru (Cash)
Stephen Blake (paypal)
Last edited by jd on Mon Apr 07, 2008 6:56 pm, edited 16 times in total.

Thu Feb 14, 2008 9:57 pm

im def in for this,, any boycie is def in to

Thu Feb 14, 2008 10:59 pm

im in fo sho :D im sure jack will be in too cheque on its way :D :D

Thu Feb 14, 2008 11:04 pm

My My, it appears i'm something of a visionary - ... hp?t=10066

Oh yeah, I'll have a bit of that, hope I get Boycie early doors, nice easy draw to get the ball rolling :lol:

Thu Feb 14, 2008 11:06 pm

All over that. Paypal on the way

Fri Feb 15, 2008 1:23 am

Would love to fish it but not sure i'll be able to :oops: with my exam finals and going away for two months in the summer. Id say its gonna be a great laugh.


Fri Feb 15, 2008 10:53 am

john scrap that ill post the check off today who do i make it out to im in for deffo

Fri Feb 15, 2008 11:01 am

Cheues payable to Sea Angling Ireland SAC
I'll amend announcement

Fri Feb 15, 2008 12:19 pm

In, paypal payment en route. JD, Paypal is in missus's name. Helen will not be fishing this comp.....! :D

Fri Feb 15, 2008 4:19 pm

Im defo in this one, paypal on the way :) :) :)

Fri Feb 15, 2008 9:17 pm

im in ..sounds good check in the post

Fri Feb 15, 2008 10:59 pm

Could people let us kow if they are mailing entry

Fri Feb 15, 2008 11:11 pm

i ment cheque not check

Sun Feb 17, 2008 12:49 am

would love to enter but cant, wont make the 31st may deadline, but good luck to all

Tue Feb 19, 2008 1:13 pm

Cheque in the post today John.


Tue Feb 19, 2008 6:40 pm

ill give you the cash on sunday at the L/L

Tue Feb 19, 2008 9:13 pm

two more in me and the brother D yeates by paypal

Tue Feb 19, 2008 11:00 pm

updated with those wher payment has arrived...

Thu Feb 21, 2008 3:31 pm

hey Lads

Anyone else up for this. Should be good craic. and the closing date is only about a week away.