Litter at Teelin Rocks and Fanad Light

Thu Aug 05, 2004 9:36 pm

I fished both these spots in the last days of July and too be honest I was appalled at the amount of crap that 'anglers' had strewn about them. The Fanad Light mark nearly made me sick, it was like 4am outside the chippy on a Saturday night. I even counted 8 discarded surgical gloves and another load at Teelin! Going from the price tags on the various wrappers it would appear that visiting anglers are the culprits.

Access to both spots is over private ground and it doesn't help our cause that we treat the place like a public dump. The landowner at Teelin isn't keen on people crossing his land and to be honest after the mess that was left I can't blame him. The amount of litter, especially at Fanad Light, was truly dreadful and it really drunk me off. As for that *$^"% with the surgical gloves...I know where I'll be sticking them if I come accross him :evil:

Fri Aug 06, 2004 8:50 am

You could have just describing Dunlickey in Co. Clare, same story complete with surgical gloves.

Fri Aug 06, 2004 11:34 am

What's the deal with the surgical gloves :?:

The litter does piss me off bug time too though.

Although on saying that I was up at Fanad on 31st July and the place was spotless...

Fri Aug 06, 2004 3:24 pm

a rogue wave probably cleaned the place up nicely! i have seen anglers wearing surgical gloves to keep the bait juices off there hands. i'd say they are wimps and are just afraid of their wives!


Fri Aug 06, 2004 4:05 pm

That sissy Ed Burke wears nice little cotton glove under his spandex surgicl gloves too. :lol: 'be damned if im getting my hands dirty... :( ' 'Ooohhh a rag worm nipped me!!!! ..... but not with my fancy gloves!'


Fri Aug 06, 2004 8:18 pm

I would fish Fanad quite regularly, and there is always a terrible mess left there. On the 6th June, 3 friends and I removed a black bin liner full of rubbish from there. This included everything from Beer cans, bait wrappers, coils of disgarded line.
The next time we fished there, was about a week or so later and the place we cleared, was once again like a rubbish tip.
This also was the case when we fished the rocks and the pier in Teelin.
I don't believe it is done by serious anglers but more by the clowns who give everyone a bad name.
As for wearing surgical gloves, I would sometimes have to wear them because i would suffer from dermatitis, but these are always removed from the fishing mark with me.

Fri Aug 06, 2004 10:06 pm

surgical gloves can keep your hands warm in severe winter conditions. being like an extra layer of skin they trap a thin layer of air around your hands! also handy for under a gardening glove when digging large quantities of bait. they stop blisters coming out of your blisters!

Sat Aug 07, 2004 11:00 am

Good man Mo, there isn't too many out there who would clean up the mess that other anglers leave. Its a shame about Fanad Light cause the scenery around it is great and the fishing is good yet the amount of rubbish is akin to a city street, put you off your sandwiches.
