Rock mark landing net options

Wed Apr 28, 2021 9:36 am

I fish a few rock marks where picking fish out of the water isn't possible.
I use a Korum snapper cult tele handle:

which is just about long enough.

I have coupled it with a Korum triangle 24" net which I had figured to be a decent combo, but only really used it on fairly calm days and inside harbour walls etc. A recent trip proved it to be completely inadequate with a bit of swell in the water absolutely washing the fine mesh around almost losing me a decent fish.

Just wondering what others use? Something with a big mesh for river use I guess would be ideal, but they all seem to be trout nets which are already fixed to a handle and I cant see anything that i could fold up like the current set up to stuff in the backpack for long walks to marks?

Re: Rock mark landing net options

Sat May 01, 2021 9:21 pm

Perhaps a couple of old drain rods? 3 or 4 screwed together then with a screw in net frame

Re: Rock mark landing net options

Mon May 17, 2021 9:45 am

spindlefist wrote:Perhaps a couple of old drain rods? 3 or 4 screwed together then with a screw in net frame

Hi - Thanks, but the handle isn't the issue really, its the mesh of the net. I was just wondering if anyone else had recommendations for a wide meshed net suitable to handle a bit of swell.

Drop net would be a better option, but in reality is not much use as I almost always fish alone.