Tue Nov 24, 2020 11:15 am
Hi All,
I've always fished for mackerel by either spinning or floating around Howth/Skerries/Poolbeg however I've decided to move up the ladder and aim for bass by using lures.
I recently purchased a Ron Thompson bass spinning rod and an x-ray 3000 reel with 20lb braid. I'm just wondering if anyone can suggest some bass marks around Dublin/Meath please?
Thanks for your help
Wed Nov 25, 2020 3:17 pm
Hi Huza91 The mouth of any estuary would be a good starting point just get the tides right to give you the longest fishing time at the venue you are fishing here are a few I fish Malahide/Baldoyle/Tolka "clontarf" I would normally fish from the hour or two before low water and then fish it right up to an hour or two after the high tide mark.Hope this helps
Fri Nov 27, 2020 5:35 pm
Nobody will give away there bass marks in dublin its very hush hush its just a case of having a ramble on low water and having a good look around an trying them
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