Wed Mar 31, 2004 1:27 pm
Kieran - sorry, I replied to the wrong forum earlier with this question!!
Hi Guys
Where can you get the best (ie. cheapest) frozen sandeel in Dublin or anywhere else for that matter?
Are the "Ammo" variety the best?
How much do they cost?
I havent bought sandeel in ages because I usually catch a few in howth in summer and freeze them for the winter.
JFK :wink:
Wed Mar 31, 2004 1:40 pm
Henry's in Ballybough do a dozen for €3.20. I went to ABC and they were doing a dozen for €4.95. Rory's do a pack of 10 for €4. Rang Southside just there and asked and they do a pack of 10 for €3.
Henry's or Southside I guess :!:
Oh, and they're all Ammo.
Wed Mar 31, 2004 1:54 pm
I'd go for Ammo sand eels if possible as they are not as likely to burst in my experience. Mackerel and sand eels that aren't branded are more likely to have blood in the packet which is sign they've been left around to long without being frozen.
Last edited by Donagh on Wed Mar 31, 2004 2:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Thu Apr 01, 2004 9:51 am
The key to good frozen sandeel is that they are frozen as soon as possible after capture. This is where Ammo holds a distinct advantage over non branded packs - you can guarantee that they have been blast frozen as quickly after capture as possible.
My only problem with Ammo packs is that my local tackle shops only seem to have sandeel in the 3-4 inch size, whereas I am looking for sandeels of 6 inches or more.
Henry's do their own brand and they are of a suitable size for bassing and pollacking. I've found them quite good, and not prone to bursting if you keep them in a cool box and only take them out as required (all frozen sandeel turn to mush within a few hours if left sitting in the sun, no matter what brand they are).
ABC's are quite expensive, however they are the only place I have found with very large sandeels (up to 8 inches), so they can be worth the extra cash.
As I mentioned earlier, no matter what brand you buy you should always keep them in a cool bag/box with a couple of ice packs (they can be bought in most camping shops for next to nothing).
Thu Apr 01, 2004 2:01 pm
Ammo packs come in different sizes and I think there colour coded but I haven't been able to get them in a while .
Last edited by Donagh on Thu Apr 01, 2004 2:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Fri Apr 02, 2004 12:31 pm
Mon Apr 05, 2004 10:55 pm
JKF Ireland I am just wondering how and where you catch the Sandeels in Howth as I hope to do some red gilling with live or very fresh Sandeels over the summer. Thanks
Tue Apr 06, 2004 3:13 pm
Hi Ed,
I have caught sandeels from both Balscadden high Rock and off the hole in the wall beach. Just as tide starts racing back into the hole in the wall beach - opposite the clay cliff with the trees on top.
I use really small feathers and a one once lead. I think the feathers are called shrimpers? but I am not too sure. I picked up a few packets in a sweet shop in Sligo years ago.
I have been bassing here with a spinner for the last couple of years at dusk, but have yet to get one!!!. I have had a couple of takes but no strikes.. But I have seen large shoals of 2 - 4/5 inch sandeels around this point. At first I thought it was the bass herding them, but more likely they were feeding. I caught about 15 in one night last year in June, which was low water and dusk affair.
This year I am gonna try some plugging - Have you had any luck here?
I am actually off down to Dingle for Easter to have a go at Inch, Stradbally, Trabeg etc. I need to get some bait before I head down, and pray it keeps for a couple of days. I have a cool bag and a couple of big ice bars. I hope the lady in the B&B will allow me to refreeze the bars as I go, but I wouldnt dare ask her to stuff a couple of bags of Sandeels in her freezer!!!
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