Fri Jan 30, 2004 11:54 am
Last week before those three or four days of baldy weather I was getting on very well...plenty of decent whiting, dabs, coalies..over 20 fish a session. Fished last night from the same venue and had a paltry 6 fish and only 1 whiting. Anybody got any theories on how possible temperature drops and rises are affecting the shore angling? I'm wondering are fish feeding in response to very small temperature fluctations.
Fri Jan 30, 2004 12:03 pm
Where were you fishing from PMG?
Fri Jan 30, 2004 3:20 pm
Fri Jan 30, 2004 4:10 pm
Its a perenntial debate, isn't it? Does the temperature topside affect sea fish? I know that river and lake fish are severely affected in the summer by thundery conditions, improves the fishing no end, but I'm not so sure about the sea. A lot of water out there. Cold still nights are good for whiting because as physically small fish they do not like getting bounced around in large waves or strong currents. Same goes for all small fish. Maybe the presence of smaller fish encourages bigger ones farther inshore, all I know is the weather affects the fishing be keeping me indoors! Went to the garage the other night and a thermometer on the inside wall read -6C!!! Turned right around and headed for the kettle :wink:
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