Donabate, Co Dublin area?

Wed Jan 28, 2004 10:18 am

Anybody know of any good spots in the Donabate area, or even Portrane?
I quite like the area and always wondered what might be lurking around in the waters there. Any advice on where to go, and what might be caught there would be much appreciated.

Wed Jan 28, 2004 11:07 am

The rocks to the right of portrane beach stretch for a long distance, mackeral and bass are regularly caught here in August/September. The odd pollock appears too, and although I've never fished for them here, wrasse should be possible on the float.

Portrane beach produces bass and flounder, however you need a good surf. Be very careful when wading as the beach has numerous pools where you can step from 2 feet of water into 6 feet of water!

Rogerstown Estuary at the end of the beach is a noted bass mark, and flounder and seas trout can be caught also (spin for the sea trout). Best time to fish all of these places is August/September, but May and early June can also produce bass.

Thu Feb 05, 2004 3:11 pm

Is it worth trying around here durning these winer months or is it only productive durning Aug/sept when the Mackeral arrive?
