Mon Jan 26, 2004 12:53 am
I have been checking these out recently and it's hard to believe the spec and the prices.
I have just ordered a Classic CL300-L which is a left hand wind, level wind with a 330 yard capacity of 20lb line. Sadly only a Star Drag, but for only £27.95 + £3.00 P&P I reckon it has to be a bargain.
Anyone had any experience of them?
Check them out ... Path=26_39
Mon Jan 26, 2004 2:04 am
went grand for a while for me-then the level wind dround up :(
be careful with it-''twas probably my own (or someone I lent it to's) fault
Mon Jan 26, 2004 2:09 pm
In a momoent of weakness, I boughtan Okuma Titus Gold 2-speed 30W reel. It cost me a small fortune (close to €400) and was much bigger that I thought it would have been.
I'm sure that it is very good for Tuna or Shark, but it is far too big for any fishing that I would generally do. Looks and feels top quality though.
One annoying feature is the fact that you can have a choice of a loud ratchet or a relatively quiet one. There is no silent option which annoys everyone else around you.
I rarely use it though might try it for conger or skate as we intend to anchor at the wreck this year and Michael McVeigh's boat lifted skate to 170lbs+ at anchor in recent years (see photos in the pub in Downings!).
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