Fish eye sight

Thu Nov 04, 2004 10:53 am

Do fish see in the dark? I have these storm jelly worms that have a little rattle in them. As I do most of my fishing at night and never get around to getting fresh worms do you think that I would be wasting my time tryinmg these at night???

Do feathers ever work at night?

Thu Nov 04, 2004 12:38 pm

I have a luminous plug that I've never got round to using.........Bass at night?

Thu Nov 04, 2004 1:35 pm

Fish Certainly do see at night, some people add starlites to their trace at night to attract pollack or flounder.


Thu Nov 04, 2004 2:33 pm

Fish do see in the dark. That said, do they see at night? What we consider to be dark may not be so to a fish. We live on land and have evolved in a completely different direction to fish. water bends light . A fishes eyes do not work the same as ours that is for certain. They more likely can see much better in the 'dark' but would need some light influence of some kind. Plugs and lures rarely work in the dark as it is the siluete of the lure against the bright surface that makes the lure visible to the fish. This is the tactic predators like pollack and Sharks use to attack from below and also the reason why black lures work so well. They stick out a mile! As for fish themselves, this is the reason why they are dark coloured on their backs and silver on their bellies. When looking at them from underneath they are camoflaged against the surface and when looking at them from above they are camoflaged against the dark black water. I would not waste my time lure fishing at night. That said, I'm sure someone is going to jump down my throat and tell me how they caugt X ,Y and Z in the dark using a bannana skin! Use lures where the are fish and the right one, and you will catch fish. if not don't bother. For the most part it is Pollack and Mackerel that will take lures. You will not get much else. When wreck fishing you can get others but that is a different subject. As for shads... I'm not big on them personally. They work well down South so i'm told. On the East coast i would better put my money on small black redgills and Jelly worms. :wink:

Fri Nov 05, 2004 9:30 am

Isn't most sea trout fishing done at night???
In my own experience I've caught Rainbow trout on a size 12 fly at night so they obviously see something?



Fri Nov 05, 2004 4:20 pm

Yes but sea fish tend to be in a lot deeper water... Trout would have access to some degree of light at all times, where as sea fish do not always have.