salthill huss

Wed Sep 22, 2004 5:48 pm

well its that time of year again when the huss arive in their big sizes

for all those out there who want to target huss bigger that 5lbs salthill is the place.. last night i was out for a few hours and caught 6 doggies and 5 huss.. smallest was 4.5lbs largest was 13 unfortunatly too dark for camera and no one else to take pic.. plus it was raining(don't like getting camera wet (yes i know i should get an underwater camera)

but any way over the last week i've been making a killing with the huss (not literally) all above 5 lbs.. best bait is half baby squid on a 3/0..
using larger hook cos there be tiny whiting being annoying again..

just to share the good news about the huss...