Greenore, Carlingford

Mon Jul 05, 2004 2:35 pm

Fished from the port seaward for about 2 miles. Seen one sea trout about 2 pounds and a couple of decent mullet but alas no hookups. Tried toby, plugs, surface poppers etc but it was very quiet. Lots of terns hitting baitfish all day. The tide fairly zips along on this shore.


Tue Jul 06, 2004 5:26 pm

were you on the rocks/beach just before the port to the left of the carpark

Tue Jul 06, 2004 7:22 pm

too much rain has fallen, most fish mid lough staying in beside the islands.

wait for the next dry spell with light winds from S


Greenore, Carlingford

Thu Jul 08, 2004 10:22 am

I think your probably right. There was some crazy showers that day. I must try and tie in my next working trip in that direction with a nice southerly and dry conditions! Still I had never fished the east coast until that day and it was a pleasant change.

Still I found it unusal to see so many terns in a frenzy over baitfish yet apparently no larger fish hitting my 'sandeel' lures when cast amonst them. Mind you I had a tern or two follow the lure!
