where do ye go?

Tue Oct 30, 2007 3:00 pm


i've been keeping up on the kayak fishing malarky and it does sound it good craic, the missus is even talking about getting a two seater job (although the thought of her swinging lead behind my exposed head is terrifying).

However, i've never seen anyone anywhere fishing from a kayak... so where do you go to and do you need to have very calm conditions?

I move about between cork / clare for my fishing trips, I was thinking cork harbour would be a good spot but the volume of traffic from container ships to speedboats suggests I'd be constantly swamped / rocked or in fear of my life. Clare seems even more daunting, open atlantic big swells, no traffic to see you in the event of an accident etc.

Or should i be thinking of the larger sheltered waterways like inner youghal harbour, the smaller inlets around cork etc. ?


Tue Oct 30, 2007 7:00 pm

i usually happy around a mile or so offshore going around sandbanks and inshore reefs, any further and it could be dangerous because of squalls etc...
the last time i went out further i was confronted by porpoises hunting mackerel, it was terrifying as their huge compared to the yak and naturally inquisitive if you know what i mean :wink:

Thu Nov 22, 2007 10:09 pm

All depends on the weather I'd think. Make safety ur first port of call, know what the weather is doing or at least suppose to do. Then suit the location to that. Coves or bays can be sheltered in certain wind directions and totally exposed in others :? A couple of admiralty maps will open up the coast to you. Inlets/estuaries you will have to have an idea what the current is like as the tide pushes in and out of them :?
Sounds daunting but with a bit of planning you'll work it you don't have to go a mile off shore for great fishing some times just a paddle out round the cliffs or to inaccessible spots from shore can reveal a wealth of fish. I spent a week in Clonakilty this year after Bass from the yak, was a wash out for the bass and the weather was pants but we still managed to get out safely 3 of the 5 days. And one of the days ended up with us catching mackies, Wrasse and Pollack to 8lb on every drop of our shads, arms were in bits after it but what fishing on light spinning outfits, and scenery like no other cliffs from 50 to 100 foot high :lol: unbelievable :lol:
Hope this helps.