Currach Boat Plans - HELP

Fri Jul 29, 2016 1:09 pm

Hi Guys

I'm toying with the idea of building a currach from scratch in the garage over the winter with my two boys.
The eldest is entering TY and I'm damned if he's going to arse about for the whole year.

The first problem is I can't locate any decent plans or drawings.
The second problem is my garage might accommodate a boat of 14 foot long and that's assuming I can get all the crap out of it!

If anyone knows of someone willing to share the designs or whatever, please feel free to add contact details, PROVIDED they are happy for you to do this!



PS: my boat building skills are a bit long in the tooth. I am looking at stitch and glue with plywood panels rather than fibreglass or full wood construction. Now I appreciate that this is not for the purists, but if I did pull it off, the plans will be put up here, photos, video, the works for anyone who fancies having a crack at it. My estimate is that it can be done for under €1,000, maybe a lot less, depending on how many mistakes I make... :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: We used a 19 foot currach recently and it shifted very nicely on a 5 HP Yamaha. Potentially you could have a coastal / sheltered water and very economical trailered boat for under €3,000 (new).

Re: Currach Boat Plans - HELP

Fri Jul 29, 2016 4:16 pm

There was a boat builder in Sligo who sold the kits to build the curragh itself for €1600 euro a few years ago....?

Re: Currach Boat Plans - HELP

Sat Jul 30, 2016 1:44 pm

Hi Kieran, in Kerry they call currachs "naomhogs". I googled "how to build a naomhog" and first up was a site about people who build them in the Maharees area. You might try them.

Re: Currach Boat Plans - HELP

Sun Jul 31, 2016 3:24 pm

look up D D boats sligo 1200e

Re: Currach Boat Plans - HELP

Tue Aug 02, 2016 9:19 am

Thanks for the posts and PMs - much appreciated. It seems this is something a lot of people would like to do...

I found the currach rowing club in Boston (!) who have built their own boats. Will drop them an email.
I've a mate whose father built a 14 foot currach in Connemara so hope to go see that...

@ Sea Cloud : I cant find DD boats in Sligo...

Thanks everyone

Re: Currach Boat Plans - HELP

Tue Aug 02, 2016 9:42 pm


Re: Currach Boat Plans - HELP

Mon Aug 08, 2016 3:44 am

Get I'm touch with a gang in Cork called Methil Mara they build and train people to build all types of traditional boats including currachs (or namhóga) depending where you come from. They should be able to help you out.

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Re: Currach Boat Plans - HELP

Wed Sep 14, 2016 5:59 pm

I was intent on building a curragh a few years ago plans seem to be non existent ,also the materials can be expensive ,by the time I totalled up all I needed I was able to buy a decent fibreglass boat to fix up and it came with an engine,I'm all for building an Irish traditional boat but I'd say you'd get more use out of a little cabin boat ,it's handy to put the kids in when under way and somewhere to get in out of the rain and store your gear especially when you can leave gear on all the time with the locked door.but if ye go ahead with it best of luck