Lusitania Fishing

Fri Sep 26, 2014 10:21 am


I hope to make the trip from Dublin to Cork next week for a days fishing over the Lusitania and looking for some advice on where to launch from:

I was looking at maps Courtmacsherry seems to be the best option or is it?

If so is the ramp tidal?
Is there an area to park the jeep and trailer?
Is there any marks nearby to get macks for bait?



Re: Lusitania Fishing

Sat Sep 27, 2014 8:40 am

Don't know if anyone on here boat fishes out of there.
Bass Dad might be your best bet for an answer he's the nearest to the area.

What size of boat are you launching and is it the slip to the left of the pier.

Looking at the tides you will be launching at high water so things will be fine then. The channel is a bit narrow at low water so follow your chart.
If you have a problem retrieving just tie up at the pier and head to the pub :lol: