costa brava

Tue Aug 15, 2006 6:48 pm

im off to lorret del mar first week in september

anyone know if theres anything worth fishing for?

cheers Neil

Sat Aug 19, 2006 10:02 pm

Is that in Spain, fairly close to Barcelona(1hr)?
If so I went here at Easter time with some friends, fishing wasn't on the agenda for us but every day you would see a fair few locals down on the beach fishing especially in the evening. So from that would say it should be worth a go but the beach may be packed during daytime in September.
A place where a lot of them seemed to congregate was a few hundred yards from the train station where there was a deep channel on the beach with a pipe on one end of the channel.

Thu Aug 31, 2006 9:50 am

cheers man forgot about this post lol.

yep thats the palce not too far from barcelona

off on tuesday cant wait :D

dunno if ill get a chance to fish but ill give it a go if i can.