Re: Marine and Freshwater Fishes of UK and Ireland + tanks

Wed Oct 07, 2015 1:37 pm

gfkelly1969 wrote:
Derek M wrote:
gfkelly1969 wrote:A guide to the identification of more than 370 species

Tried your link here but its coming up page not found for me .very nice fish tank you have, had quite a few tanks over the years never a salt water with our fish species and invertabits/mollusks etc. you have me thinking of one now?
sorry about the link you can find the book on this link ... ressed.pdf
if it dose not work i can email the book to you
the saltwater tanks are quite easy to keep and its great to see how some of the fish we target while fishing react under the water,some of them would surprise you
plus it will keep you fit jumping around rocks on the shore and its something to do at low water as well and you will get to see some species of fish that you would never see on a hook and line

Thanks for the new link its working fine i have some pictures of fish ive got in the rock pools i took them because when out collecting peelers i got some fish i hadent recognized one ive since seen in pictures on you post its a stickle back did not know we had any salt water ones another is a little eel has strips black and orangey maybe if i post up you mite know?anyway Thanks alot.

Re: Marine and Freshwater Fishes of UK and Ireland + tanks

Wed Oct 07, 2015 9:44 pm

Sounds like a butterfish

Re: Marine and Freshwater Fishes of UK and Ireland + tanks

Thu Oct 08, 2015 12:34 am

Derek M wrote:Thanks for the new link its working fine i have some pictures of fish ive got in the rock pools i took them because when out collecting peelers i got some fish i hadent recognized one ive since seen in pictures on you post its a stickle back did not know we had any salt water ones another is a little eel has strips black and orangey maybe if i post up you mite know?anyway Thanks alot.
we have a few different types of stickle backs,the Fifteen-spine Stickleback are just found in the sea and it looks like the others are the same as the ones in the rivers and lakes
i would say 2Poc is right in saying the other fish was a butterfish but post up the photo

Re: Marine and Freshwater Fishes of UK and Ireland + tanks

Thu Oct 29, 2015 2:36 am

Went out rock polling last night,notting interesting fish wise but did get some nice sea anemones to add a bit of colour to the tankImageImageImageImage

Re: Marine and Freshwater Fishes of UK and Ireland + tanks

Sat Nov 21, 2015 2:48 am

Finally got round to resealing the tank,not too hard of a job to do
First I cut out 2 sides and cleaned the old silicone and then stuck them back in and left it to dry for 24hrs then did the other side
Then I put a bead of silicone on all the inside joints
Then I fitted the stress bars and now have to leave it for a few days before I fill it with water and see will it fall apart

Re: Marine and Freshwater Fishes of UK and Ireland + tanks

Sat Jan 02, 2016 1:15 am

Happy new year to every one
I hope the rock pooling will be good this year
2015 ended very good for me,on the 30/12 the young lad wanted to go rock pooling so we headed of to a spot we didn't try before
While walking along the beach we found a few of these near the water

4 marine guys had a look but could not id them but after posting on a few sites we got a name for them

Re: Marine and Freshwater Fishes of UK and Ireland + tanks

Sat Jan 02, 2016 1:36 pm

great pictures and find gerry

Re: Marine and Freshwater Fishes of UK and Ireland + tanks

Thu Mar 10, 2016 4:32 pm

Just back from the shore not a lot if fish to be seen but did get to see a baby bull Huss coming out of the case

Also found a ghost crab
We did the late tide last night on a beach we have tried a few times,we didn't know the place as the whole beach has changed,loads of new pools and tons of sand and stone moved about
Not a lot of species about but it looks like the corkwing wrasse are in to breed
Some sand eel about and we also got 3 sand smelt,only ever seen them during the summer

Re: Marine and Freshwater Fishes of UK and Ireland + tanks

Sat Mar 12, 2016 2:04 pm

Very interesting.

At that size is it possible to tell a huss from a dogfish

Re: Marine and Freshwater Fishes of UK and Ireland + tanks

Tue May 10, 2016 9:19 pm

shortcircuit wrote:Very interesting.

At that size is it possible to tell a huss from a dogfish

Yes it was easy to tell the difference because we seen it come out of the egg case,Huss cases are a lot bigger then dogs
Without seeing it come out it might be hard,the next one I see I will have a closer look at the fins to see if I can see a difference

Re: Marine and Freshwater Fishes of UK and Ireland + tanks

Tue May 10, 2016 9:23 pm

Loads of small flat fish about and what maybe pollack or Coalfish it's hard to see the lateral line

Re: Marine and Freshwater Fishes of UK and Ireland + tanks

Tue May 10, 2016 9:26 pm

Some nice fan worms about as well

Re: Marine and Freshwater Fishes of UK and Ireland + tanks

Sat Jul 09, 2016 10:45 am

Has anyone any idea of what type of fish these could be
I have found them is 2 different places
The first spot I found them in was a bog pool that only fills up with sea water on the very high tides
When I found them I think it was mainly fresh water in the pool
The second spot is in brackish water
The 2 pools are pools where I normally get stickleback and mullet
I can't think of any other fish that would survive in the water that I found them
They swim in shoals as well


Re: Marine and Freshwater Fishes of UK and Ireland + tanks

Tue Jul 26, 2016 9:35 am

Sand smelt

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Re: Marine and Freshwater Fishes of UK and Ireland + tanks

Sat Sep 03, 2016 2:20 am

i went out rock pooling on Wednesday night and there was a load of small fish about and the most unusual fish was a Pogge also known as the hooknose or armed bullhead it was the first one i ever got
i went out to the same spot on Thursday night and found another one of them


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Re: Marine and Freshwater Fishes of UK and Ireland + tanks

Fri Jan 20, 2017 1:23 pm

Bought this out in china it might be ok for getting some small fishImage[img][/img]

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Re: Marine and Freshwater Fishes of UK and Ireland + tanks

Sun Feb 12, 2017 12:31 am

Just wondering as anyone ever seen mullet in febuary,we went out rockpooling today and i got 4 small mullet less then a inch long
Never seen any this early before

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Re: Marine and Freshwater Fishes of UK and Ireland + tanks

Fri Mar 31, 2017 1:52 am

Found this lad rock pooling last night

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Re: Marine and Freshwater Fishes of UK and Ireland + tanks

Fri Mar 31, 2017 2:01 am

More from todayImageImageImage[img][/img]Image[img][/img]Image[img][/img]Image[img][/img][img][/img]ImageImage[img][/img][img][/img]

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Re: Marine and Freshwater Fishes of UK and Ireland + tanks

Fri Mar 31, 2017 2:44 pm

great pics