Fly fishing for Wrasse

Thu Jul 08, 2004 10:25 am


I had a few thoughts on those Kenyan flies. Did you get them from Stephen O Dea? They look like they are made from spun Deer hair. Deer hair spinning in itself is easy, but to get the fly to look that good takes a lot of practice. The problem with deer hair is that it's very bouyant. I would think that if you are thinking of going after wrasse with this type of fly you would be better with some of the American epoxy body crab flies. These flies sink so would be better for fishing at depth. They can be made to any colour as well. Any to thoughts on fly colour. I might give these a go in the next few weeks.


crab flies (but only when cast!)

Thu Jul 08, 2004 10:36 am


To be honest I got them from a lad who makes them in Kenya! He emailed me some years ago and sent me a sample - and I still have some. I thought it was some sort of scam but agreed to pay him with a bank draft and he accepted. The second delivery alas went astray and he suspects I have diddled him so I have had no contact since. A shame as it was excellent quality stuff and some pretty weird patterns aside from the crabs. I have not tried them for wrasse but have had pollack and a flounder on a worm like fly... well, you know what flounder are like :lol:

My fishing is very limited at the moment so when I get the chance, experimenting with the fly rod is not a top priority. I have started to bring the tackle down to very light on a spinning rod and that is spectacular...

IF you want, PM me an address and I can see if I have any of those flies left over...
