that organisation beginning with P arrives in Ireland.

Thu Jun 17, 2004 4:01 pm

Hi all

I see that organisation beginning with P http://www.that organisation beginning with are up to their old tricks again on the Ray D'arcy Show on Today FM this morning. I suppose if Disney can get spun around by them, it's no surprise others will miss the point about that organisation beginning with P.

Have a look at the piece at the bottom of the front page of their website!
Amazing stuff... I send Ray an email illustrating the impact they want to achieve and asking for him to consider not giving them any more airtime.

that organisation beginning with P ran poster adds in the USA with a hook through a dog's mouth in an effort to persuade people fishing was cruel. That scientists have show a fish's brain incpabale of processing pain - minor facts like that - do not get in their way. Anglers will have to stand up and be counted soon...


Thu Jun 17, 2004 5:18 pm


I wouldn't have heard this. What did they have to say?

From what I understand the whole fish pain thing is still up for debate but that organisation beginning with P seem to ignore any research that conflicts with there views. Personaly it wouldn't stop me fishing if they do.


Thu Jun 17, 2004 10:28 pm

They also want a ban to commercial fishing? If these guys got their way there would be world famine :!: They also say that eating fish is bad for you :lol:

Petty minded that organisation beginning with P

Fri Jun 18, 2004 10:12 am

I don't swallow the no pain for fish thing. If you get a fish and put him on a hot pan i bet you he jumps off it! Anyway what these people do not realise that anglers do a tiny amount of damage to the fish stocks that is negligable compared to commercial boats. That is where the real problem lies and no one even be talking about this if that problem was not there. Also Do they not realise thatthe fact that anglers are here and interested in the environment and can see first hand the situation as well as moan and create an actual force to be listened to instead of their petty organisation all conspires to there actually being a real interest in the problem. No one would give a dam if it were not for anglers. We are the ones who highlight the problem because there are so many of us. It is a bit like zoo's really. It is a nessasary evil to make people care enough about the animals in the first place to create a base of people who will actually do something about the problem... its a proven fact through history that exteamists get nowhere in politics...

Fri Jun 18, 2004 10:32 am

that organisation beginning with P are against anything other than statutory Veganism. They used to have piece condemning milk. They have a full piece on why the Jesus wasn't a fisherman but a vegetarian. Cogent arguments won't work with these people. However exposing them for what they are will or maybe get the men in white coats.


Fri Jun 18, 2004 11:04 am

People Eating Tasty Animals ?!?! What's the fuss about ! :D

Fri Jun 18, 2004 12:37 pm

If God hadn't intended for us to eat animals, he wouldn't have made them out of meat! As far as the fish/pain thing goes, I refuse to believe that any creature whose primary food item is hardback crabs, can feel pain, at least in the mouth.

Sat Jun 19, 2004 9:33 am

For the record...

Most scientists agree that fish can not feel pain, that their brain is too small and that evolution skipped this requirement giving them more akin to reflex reactions to external stimuli, whether it be a seal, gannet, hook or a frying pan!

that organisation beginning with P has a very extreme vegan agenda. No pets, no medical uses (so we'd all be dying from small pox still and I wonder how diabetics would get their insulin?), no clothing (wool, silk and leather all gone), no entertainment (no pets, no fishing, no hunting, no horse racing), no food (not just meat , but milk, cheese and youghurt all go) ... in fact the ultimate goal is no human contact with animals at all - solitary confinement for humans. Practical realities are ignored by that organisation beginning with P.

I can understand people suggesting to simply give them enough rope etc. and not give them a platform by countering their "arguments" (a stratgy I would agree with incidentally) but in this case they are gaining publicity by fronting their extreme views with more "main stream" objections. It is a common ploy and to my mind, plainly deceitful. We have to educate the journalists, editors and others in the media to their questionable tactics.

Hope this clarifies the situation... somewhat! Tight lines