coloured lines?

Fri Jun 11, 2004 12:14 am

anyone had success using different coloured snoods/ rig bodies? i have heard of red being good for flounder and yellow for dabs....i have experienced fish being put off by red snoods in clear water with fish taking baits on clears snoods with gusto. however i found red snoods good when fishing into kelp for wrasse and codling. also found black snoods good for flounder in really shallow (2feet) clear water, even though they stood out a mile? any thoughts?? just one other thing! i am looking for a black line suitable for rig bodies- any recommendations? cheers.

Fri Jun 11, 2004 1:20 am

Amnesia is an excellent line for rigs, snoods etc and they do a black line.

I don't generally worry about line colour, except when I'm Bass fishing. Then it's gotta be clear line, or FluroCarbon.

I suppose coloured line makes sense on some occasions, such as when you're adding beads and attractors to rigs to entice a curious fish like Plaice or Cod.

Can't harm any, and anything that makes you more confident is surely a good thing.

Fri Jun 11, 2004 2:16 pm

thanks for the reply Tanglerat, much appreciated.

Fri Jun 11, 2004 6:46 pm

Use a maxima hooklength when floatfishing around rocky, kelp infested areas as the colour of the line blends in incredibly well to this type of habitat, I suppose it would work for legering too.

Sat Jun 12, 2004 6:53 pm

i agree George. i have started trying to match my lines to the surroundings. u would be surprised at how much 'clear' amnesia stands out in some places- still catches i suppose, but every now and then the little things count. thanks for the reply.