Thu Feb 24, 2005 10:15 am

Hi Pat,

I can only speak as far as the 525mag is concerned. The method you describe is for lure angling. For beachcasting the spool should be placed in free spool and tightened so the barest of lateral movement can be felt with the tumb. If the spool is to tight it may damage your spool bearings and loose the spool will run to fast.

I'm still trying to learn to get some distance on the beach but the fastest way to do this is to find a qualified instructor and practice. You can practise in your back garden by going through your cast ,obviously with no lead on, to bump up your field sessions. You also need a rod that you will bend but won't flop around. I was advise to spedn money on a reel and go for a mid range priced rod.



Thu Feb 24, 2005 7:50 pm

Hi Donagh,
I knew I was not really explaining it right. I agree that the spool must be set correctly or else there is damage through wear. I have only recently started using mag reels and what I was trying to describe is the same as what happens when you have the mag too loose or too tight. Line comes off the spool too fast and you get an over run, too slow and there is loss of distance.

Lessons are great, but I think most of us are like golfers in that we want to practice by actually fishing ( playing golf for golfers) and not spending time on the practice field. Alas we just have to be happy with the way god makes us if thats the case.
