New Club

Wed Feb 02, 2005 1:25 am

To Kieran et al.... RE SAI SAC

Lads just to let ye know as far as im aware if your club is affiliated to the IFSA then your rules etc must be in line with IFSA policy (eg fish lenghts etc etc). So you are limited as to what you can just make up yourselves.

Also just to be aware there are a whole set of rules that apply to clubs hosting Leinster League comps that must be complied with, whether or not the host club has their own rules which are different...again relating to sizes, pegs, zones, scoring etc.


Wed Feb 02, 2005 1:44 am

Hi Guest

Thanks for the heads up on that. Does that apply to all competitions, for example closed club competitions or only the open competitions?


Wed Feb 02, 2005 12:54 pm

Yes as far as I know once the club is affiliated to the IFSA they are more or less bound by their rules or constitution as such. They are in the gaff (IFSA diary!).

The Leinster League rules are set by Leinster Council and only apply to Leinster League Opens.

IFSA regulations

Wed Feb 02, 2005 3:35 pm


I don't think there is a problem with much of that but... please tell me that the four councils do not have different sets of rules and that if we run comeptitions in four provinces we will be required to use a differing set of rules in each case!?!

If "the gaff" rulebook available online somewhere?


Wed Feb 02, 2005 4:01 pm

Hi kieran,

I'll send on that diary tomorrow. There are a number of suggested points systems but there's no great detail on points for measurement and you can pick what system you like as long as its ratified by your provincial council. I'm sure your ok as long as your conservation minded. Plenty of clubs have weekends away in other provinces and don't have to change their rules.


Wed Feb 02, 2005 7:52 pm

No the general comp rules are the same. The only changes will be for the provincial comps such as Leinster Lge, Munster Open etc etc.. Dont think they are available online. The only place I am aware of is in the Gaff that Donagh is posting to you.

Good Luck!!

Thu Feb 03, 2005 12:28 am

Your club can use whatever rules they want to during their club events. It is only when organising open competitions that the provincial or federation rules must be followed. Even then, clubs can decide to impose their own rules unless it is a provinical league event.

And yes, the provinces do have different rules, mostly to do with size limits but having fished open comps in all the provinces, I would always advise reading the local rules.