What to fish for on piers in winter

Tue Dec 07, 2004 10:46 pm

what do you think is a good fish to fish for of piers in the winter and how
Other than whiting and cod.


Wed Dec 08, 2004 12:09 am

Congers inhabit most piers,as long as they don't dry out at low tide.Easy to fish for, just put a Mackeral head bait out a few feet from the pier wall and if there are any eels around it shouldn't be too long until they show an interest.Maybe Ronald(conger champ)Surgenor will read this thread and leave more in depth info for you .He's somewhat of an expert on the finer points of eel catching.

Wed Dec 08, 2004 1:19 am

Meanwhile Shock and myself can stand idly by and catch 4 inch Pollack :D .
Fished Portaferry tonight, No even worth Posting a Report, 1 Good Coaly, Loads of pollack, a Codling.

Wed Dec 08, 2004 5:30 pm

Hi eel.
as shock said conger are a good bet at this time of year when everything else bar cod and whiting have buggered of .
i've found the best way to catch them is to fish right down the side of piers under your feet ,where we do most of our conger bashing is on the back of bangor pier in the boulders ,the trick is to find a biggish gap in between the rocks and lower your trace down into it ,anything over five feet deep is good enough .
best to use a boat rod and reel at least 30lb class and 50lb mono ,this is needed to haul the fish out of the rocks before they can get a hold with their tails .
found poor cod to be a good bait ,just make them into mini flappers ,hook onto a 8/0 bronzed o'shanessy tied to at least 150lb mono about 12" long and a good quality swivel ,tie a small scrap weight to the swivel with light line and away you go , make sure your reel is out of gear and the ratchet is on ,if you have problems hearing the ratchet tie a small piece of plastic bag to the line as a marker .